Hello there! It’s time for a brand new episode of We’d Like a Word with Paul Waters and Stevyn Colgan. And, on this episode, they’re taking about short story anthologies and collections with Ivy Ngeow and Vaseem Khan.

Ivy Ngeow is the multi award-winning author of Cry of the Flying Rhino (2017), Heart of Glass (2018), Overboard (2020) and, this year, White Crane Strikes. Most recently she has edited Asian Anthology: New Writing Vol 1.
Vaseem Khan is also a multiple award-winner and is the author of two crime series set in India, the Baby Ganesh Agency series, and the Malabar House historical crime novels. His first book, The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra, was a Times bestseller and has been optioned for film by Cinestaan. He has also recently co-edited (with Maxim Jakubowski) a collection of crime short stories called The Perfect Crime: 22 crime stories from diverse cultures around the world.
In this fascinating discussion, they talk about the need to hear voices form other cultures, the power of short stories, why it’s so difficult to sell anthologies to publishers, and the difference between a collection, an anthology, and an omnibus. (If you don’t know, click here.)
We’d Like A Word is a podcast & radio show from authors Paul Waters & Stevyn Colgan. We talk with writers, readers, editors, agents, celebrities, talkers, poets, publishers, booksellers, audiobook creators about books – fiction & non-fiction. We go out on iTunes, Spotify and many other radio & podcast platforms but you can click here to hear the podcast on our hosting site, Anchor.
We’re on Twitter @wedlikeaword & Facebook @wedlikeaword & our email is [email protected] (Yes, we are embarrassed by the missing apostrophes). We like to hear from you – questions, thoughts, ideas, guest or book suggestions. Perhaps you’d like to come on We’d Like A Word to chat, review or read out passages from books? And if you’re still stuck for something to read, may we recommend Blackwatertown by Paul Waters or Cockerings by Stevyn Colgan.