Poet John Hegley at Milton’s Cottage

The BBC radio and Edinburgh Fringe favourite, British national treasure, poet, musician and comedian, John Hegley joins We’d Like A Word hosts Paul Waters and Stevyn Colgan to perform and chat in front of an intimate live audience inside Milton’s Cottage in Chalfont St Giles, where John Milton wrote his epic poem Paradise Lost, published in 1667. Listen here or wherever you get your podcasts.

John Hegley is supported by the poet, musician and children’s TV producer/editor Clare Elstow.

Brace yourself for an eclectic mix of London and Luton literary and football memories, John Keats and John Milton, William and Henry Lawes, French language and music (Rameau), goldfish, a quick striptease, profound audience questions, and some rude and funny poetry.

Graham Norton – can celebs write good fiction?

Graham Norton and Stevyn Colgan on We’d Like A Word

It’s Graham Norton! Yes, that Graham Norton on We’d Like A Word. Talking about his own writing and whether celebrities can ever be good authors? It’s on the radio at 7pm UK time tonight (Wednesday 8th May 2019) Wycombe Sound 106.6 FM. And then via the podcast afterwards.

Graham Norton – comedian, TV star and Father Ted legend – tells us about his other life as an author. He’s written two novels – Holding and now A Keeper. But are they any good? Are they funny? Are they even supposed to be? Do celebrities famous for something entirely different make good writers? Graham Norton may be hilARious (he is), but can he write? You’ll have to listen to this episode of We’d Like A Word to find out. He reads from his second novel A Keeper, talks about how he writes, how he gathers material and about Ireland. There’s also a competition to win one of Graham’s books – but you’ll have to listen to find out.