We’d Like A Word hosts Paul Waters and Jonathan Kennedy interview stars of Indian and Irish literature and film making at the 2024 Jaipur Literature Festival at the British Library in London. (It’s possible that Paul repeatedly refers to it as the Jaipur Literary Festival, but let’s not quibble.) Listen here or wherever you get your podcasts.
We hear from:
The man who is at every Indian gathering worth attending, JLF organiser Sanjoy Roy.

Nazia Erum, author of Mothering A Muslim.

Dr Sunny Singh and Yasser Usman on the captivating appeal of Bollywood and Hindi films.

Diplomat Vikas Swarup, author of Q & A – which became the movie Slumdog Millionaire – and other novels.

Irish author Liz Nugent, whose novel Strange Sally Diamond has been topping book charts.

ndian film director Shekhar Kapoor, whose movies include Elizabeth, Bandit Queen and the iconic Mr India. Brace yourself for startling revelations.

WHO IS JONATHAN KENNEDY? WHY IS HE STILL HERE? AND WHERE IS STEVYN COLGAN? Jonathan was Director of Arts in India for 5 years for the British Council. He’s been everywhere in India and knows everyone there involved in culture. He was also for 12 years the Executive Director of Tara Arts, looking at the world through a South Asian lens. Jonathan does some India and South Asian episodes of We’d Like A Word with us. We’ll drop them in every now and then. Steve will be back soon.